IPPF Sweet 16 Team, debate, perseverance and the long haul

Junior year:

It's been a while since I posted—junior year has kept me very busy! Time flies when you're having fun! I can't believe it's almost spring break (and then come the dreaded AP's and final exams). My year has been challenging, but I wouldn't change it for anything—I have learned so much this year and experienced such tremendous growth academically in my classes, in my extracurriculars and in my personal life.

My favorite activity this year has been debate- it has allowed me to grow so much as a speaker and a thinker, and I have become a much more involved citizen by learning about current events. While many might think that debate is just a way to forge your way to a win, it actually demands much research and planning as you must effectively argue both sides of a resolution. The winning comes from understanding how to strengthen your argument going forward, develop your critical thinking skills and learning. Some topics I have covered these past few years include: The Catalonian revolution, the morality of the military aiding dictatorships, and whether the US drug problem should be treated as a public health or criminal justice matter.

I highly recommend that everyone try to join a speech and / or debate team! Although not all schools may have this extracurricular, there are summer camps that have debate and even online teams that one can join. Another option is the IPPF debate– International Public Policy Forum which is a written debate that just requires three members to form a team. IPPF debate, as the name states is international in nature with upwards of 200 teams entering the competition each year. The program starts in the fall when the team submits a qualifying paper on the stated topic. If selected, you continue to compete by writing evidence based papers either aff (for) or neg (against) the resolution. IPPF debate is demanding, as once you receive your opponents paper you have approximately 1 week to do your research, write your case and submit it back to your opponent whether or not you have homework, exams or other obligations! Each debate round consists of 4 papers, at which time you are judged and the winner advances. IPPF is definitely a 'sport' of perseverance and at times sheer will. IPPF is very demanding, but even more rewarding. I am proud to say that my team of 3 has reached the Top 16 round worldwide and we are currently in the thick of it hoping to advance to the finals in New York City where we then debate in oral arguments!

Ironically, I will both have a paper due and learn the fate regarding our next round over my spring break- so I am not quite sure if I will be relaxing or rejoicing! Either way I will be escaping this gloomy weather and enjoying the Florida sun :)


An update- My IPPF team made it to the Sweet 16 round!


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